Bat Mitzvah at ETC
As per Jewish tradition, when a young woman turns twelve she becomes a Bat Mitzvah (Daughter of Mitzvah) and begins her own Jewish journey. Here at ETC we empower our Bat Mitzvah students with a full range of educational and interactive activities and experiences to launch this next chapter of their lives.
The Bat Mitzvah Club with Mrs. Chaya Elishevitz is part of the Chabad Hebrew School Sunday Morning Program. Hebrew lessons at 10 AM followed by BMC at 11:00 am - 12:30 pm. This is a 1 to 2-year program that fully prepares our Bat Mitzvah student for their special milestone, from Hebrew reading, writing and some language to all topics relevant to living life as an informed Jew. When the time comes you will schedule your ceremony/celebration and have private lessons to review and write a Dvar Torah for the occasion.
Bat Mitzvah Ceremony/Celebration Coordinator Rochie Farkash will help you schedule and plan your personalized Bat Mitzvah Event our BMC students and families will work with Rochie who can be reached at [email protected]. Chaya and Rochie will give your daughter’s a meaningful, fun, and joyous experience that will last a lifetime.