
Please send your child with a drink and snack. Click here for approved snacks and Kosher symbols. All snacks must:

    - Be peanut-free

    - Have an approved Kosher symbol on the package.

Drop off and Pick up

• Drop off and pick up children on time

• Never drop off or pick up children without making sure a teacher is present

• Make sure students are dropped off with homework and a snack

• Make sure students have all their belongings when picked up


• We Shorashim Roots in Bellevue Washington are committed to ensuring the safety of our community. During school an officer from our security team will be on-site.

• All grounds are monitored by video surveillance.


    - We will communicate with parents both by email and via school notices sent home with children. Please check both email and children's belongings to make sure all information is received.

    - Teachers may also communicate with parents via the brightwheel app. More information will be available upon registration. 

    - If you have any questions or  concerns regarding your child, please contact the director Rochie Farkash before or after classes or call ETC.

Student Expectations

Every student is expected:

    - To treat fellow students and staff members with courtesy.

    - To follow classroom directions promptly and quietly

    - To act responsibly and with caution

    - To avoid loud, abusive, or demeaning language,

    - To keep books and materials organized and in good condition

    - For all boys to come to school wearing a Kippah that will remain on their head at all times during school.

Disciplinary Action

Though we do everything we can to create a fun learning environment, if a student is not adhering to classroom rules and is continuously disruptive they will:

    - Be asked to visit Mrs. Farkash in her office

    - If disruption continues, parents will be notified and a meeting with the student, parent, teacher, and director will be set up to resolve any issues

School Records & Confidentiality 

Parents should notify the school promptly, in writing, of any changes to address, phone number, student health, learning disabilities, or emergency contact information. All information will be kept under strict confidentiality. 

First Aid

We will see to minor injuries. If something more serious happens, parents will be contacted, and in worst case scenario, the child will be taken to the nearest hospital.